Planned 2022:
Puppies expected on week 42!
Diego x FI KVA Sainen Charlotte (click for pedigree)
We have high hopes for this litter and decided to give it a go - even though it meant that Silmu won't be part of the racingteam this season. That is a huge hole especially for teams leading position. Puppies will hopefully play a big role in our kennels future and therefore the timing is now desired.
From some dogs you can see already on early age their existing potential and for me Silmu is one of those dogs. She is calm, confident, insistent worker, schoolclass "nerd" making her way to top grades and excellent leader, with speed and commands. She is a bit reserved, but never causes trouble in the pack.
I met Diego first time few years ago, when I got him to power up my team during a mountain campingtrip. He is a strong boy (and really underlining that word) and has evenly developed big muscles, he is a bit heavy on weight but fits in breedstantard for the overall size/height. Diego has working range from wheeldog to leader position as well, covering thousands of training kilometres every season. Both Diego and Silmu are really nicely build, they have balanced angulations and proportions, good body lenght with correct depth of chest. Parents are eyechecked healthy.
Diego is bred/owned by Matti Salmi/Nellim Husky and is part of his racingteam in long distance races.
K-litter born 29.6.2022 ! (2 males + 1 female)
Susitievan Ahma x Finnemarka Kalamazoo
Both parents are working on safaries, Kalla is also part of my racingteam. Ahma is hard working male, with happy and social temperament, easygoing packmember, distraction-free from animals. He has training/safarikilometres nearly 4000km for this season, mostly keeping the team going as a wheeldog. Ahma is eyechecked healthy. Kalla is all-rounder, but especially this season rised up to leading position. She also completed Polardistans 300km race this season. Kalla is humble, happy and goes well with the pack. Both parents have good appetite, strong structure and really nice movements. Ahma is living in Norway and owned by Anouska Terlouw.
We have puppyplans for FI KVA/FI WCH Sainen Charlotte and/or Finnemarka Kalamazoo, depending on when they come in heat. More info coming later! Inquiries: lumionhuskies(a)
"In Latin"-litter born 24.5.2021
Lumion Finnmark Ox x Vesterelva's Booty
Puppies expected at the end of May!
Parents are part of my racingteam, tough and steady workers. In my opinion they get better when the distance increases. Ox is running mostly in wheel and Booty has the ability to keep good speed in lead. Good appetite and correct behaviour in packlife. Booty is very lively and quite tough bitch, she doesn't mind any obstacles coming in her way. Ox is calmer and has softer temperament. Their pedigree consist several long- and middistance dogs and workingchampions. The key thing in this combination is performance, both parents have it in high level and I hope their puppies will have it too!
More info & puppy inquiries: lumionhuskies(a)
H-litter born 20.7.2020, 1 male & 2 females
SM-REK-6-19 Winter Wind's Pluto & Sainen Kapusta (click for pedigree)
Pluto - Racing: REK1, Shows: Excellent, Health: eyes checked clear. Kiilis - Workingtest: JOH1, Shows: Excellent, Health: Eyes, spine, hips, elbows checked clear.
Both parents are working in safaries and are part of the racingteams as well. Combination should put together some really nice leaderskills, raw power, social and calm temperament in the pack, good structure with enchanting appearance. Pluto is owned by Kennel Winter Wind's.
More info & puppy inquiries: lumionhuskies(a) , +358408368383